The number one ingredient that you find among people who get paid to be themselves is passion! As the saying goes, if you do something you love, you never have to work another day in your life!

What is the mystery of Passion? Whether you are struggling with ""Passion versus Profit'' or you want to turn your passion into Profit, then get the 10 Destiny Defining Things You Need To Know About Passion. Same applies if you havent discovered your passion yet! Download it below!

  • One of the things that has played a key and pivotal role in my career and in my life has been Passion. As a passionate person, I certainly appreciate the role of passion in all my diverse endeavours, from humble beginnings to become a 2 Time Award Winning Author. Global recognition for Uncommon Destiny Uncommon Partner and Unleash the Book Within, which are two of SOME of my books. Also from appearing on a local TV show in Zimbabwe at the age of 19 to having the honour of appearing on both local and overseas media whilst in Australia. It is the experience of 'doing' that has taught me many things about passion and along the way I have discovered many mistakes and misconceptions that many people have that are landing them in murky waters. So this FREE EBook is to help you navigate some of those areas, so you can get your Break Through today!


If any of the below situations describe you, dont delay, download the ebook today!

  • If you know you have a call, and you already have the passion, but you are currently frustrated because for some strange reason, you havent started walking into it yet, then this ebook is for you. 
  • For many people, they haven' t found their passion or calling yet, but you are still searching. You just feel there is something more to life, if you feel that way, you are in the right place. 
  • One of the challenges that many people face is getting started. Every now and then people drop in my inbox saying they want to write a book, or do some other venture, and for some its been years since they first had the desire to do so, if you feel that way, download the Free Ebook today!  
  • You have a job, and you have a 'Side hustle', and you want to scale it so one day you can 'Fire your job' and get to work, then this ebook is a must read. 
  • Warren Buffet is quoted as saying, "Learning from mistakes is good but learning from other people"s mistakes is better!" By downloading this ebook, you will learn from the mistakes that others have made, that can save you thousands of dollars and even years in terms of time.
  •  You may already have found your passion, you are walking in your calling, but you have problems when it comes to charging people for your services? You feel guilty about it? Then this ebook is perfect for you, download today!
  • For many Heart Centred Leaders and Enteprenuers, the challenge is always leaning more on the side of Passion at the expense of Profit or Revenue, discover some ground truths in this ebook, that will set you up for the long term survival of your Projects, Business, Church, Ventures etc 
  • Does the thought of having too much money bring emotions of guilt? If so, you are in the right place, download this ebook and set yourself up for the future. 
  • If you have listened to Movational messages, listened to podcasts and still you are finding it hard to get started, this ebook will help. 
  • Whether you are a budding Entepreneur or you are just 'toying' with the idea of getting into business or you are an 'Ideas' person, this ebook is for you. 
  • If you want to make the most of whats left of 2022 download your copy.
  • The world is waiting for whats on the inside of you, and passion will help you serve the world from a place of authenticity this is quite crucial in this world of Social Media, and "Attraction Marketing" .
  • In order to get Paid To Be You its essential that you learn how to turn Passion into Profit. This ebook will help you set your foundation right. Before you can turn your Passion into Profit, lets get some foundational pillars in place, download your copy of this ebook now. 
  • This is the era of Life Style Businesses which are mainly centered around Passion. There are key fundamentals when it comes to turning your Passion into Profit which I share in this ebook.Without these, many passionate people with brilliant ideas are having those ideas fall flat on the ground, let not this be your story. Download your FREE EBOOK today!

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